Corporate Social Responsibility
Top Management of Rossi Facility Services Ltd recognises the need to improve the positive and reduce the negative impact that our business has on the environment, community and society as a whole.
Rossi has developed in the private sector where companies recognised that, as well as making a return for their shareholders, they could at the same time contribute to social and environmental objectives.
The Company is fully committed to the principle of CSR and intends that CSR should become embedded, where appropriate, into its policies and practices, to the benefit of staff as well as the wider community. There is already much good work which could be classified as contributing to CSR taking place within Rossi and this policy and future strategy will build on this in the future.
We aim to be recognised as an organisation that is transparent and ethical in all its dealings as well as making a positive contribution to the community in which it operates. It is committed to the following core values in all aspects of its work, including the fulfilment of its social responsibility:
~ Clear direction and strong leadership;
~ Customer focus;
~ Respect for people;
~ Open communication;
~ Working to deliver best value;
~ Openness and transparency
~ Equality
~ Probity
~ Development of positive working relationships with others;
~ Commitment to the highest ethical standards of the private service;
~ Valuing and harnessing the diversity of our staff.
We recognise that our social, economic and environmental responsibilities to these stakeholders are integral to business. We aim to demonstrate these responsibilities through our actions and within our corporate policies.
We take seriously all feedback, complaints and compliments that we receive from all our stakeholders and, where possible, maintain open dialogue to ensure that we fulfil the requirements outlined within this policy.
We shall be open and honest in communicating our policies, strategies, targets, performance and governance to our stakeholders in our continual commitment to sustainable development.
Rossi will, where reasonable, make the necessary resources available to realise our corporate responsibilities. The responsibility for delivery lies with all employees.
We shall ensure a high level of business performance while minimising and effectively managing risk.
We will record and resolve customer complaints in accordance with our standards of service.
We shall operate an equal opportunities policy for all present and potential future employees. We will offer our employees clear and fair terms of employment and provide resources to enable their continued development. We shall maintain forums for employee consultation and business involvement. We shall provide safeguards to ensure that all employees are treated with respect and without sexual, physical or mental harassment.
We shall uphold the values of honesty, partnership and fairness in our relationships with stakeholders.
We are aware of the amount of paper, cardboard and other waste materials our business generates. We must take an active interest in what happens to that material once its primary use has been fulfilled and what its ultimate effect is on the environment
We have therefore decided to enhance our on-going waste reduction objectives and implement the following procedures and practices that:
~ Do not knowingly damage our environment or society
~ Do not restrict lawful access or enjoyment of the environment or society by others
~ Promote sustainable improvements (where we have an influence) in the environment and enhance the society within which we work
We will support this policy by implementing the following procedures:
~All waste paper, junk mail, documentation, etc, must be returned to the office for recycling in the most appropriate way that does not compromise our clients, employees, company or the environment
~ All printer cartridges, toners, etc, to be returned to the supplier in the envelopes provided for recycling
~ Print on environmentally sustainable paper stocks
~ Support and encourage the use of recycling banks for bottles, cans and other waste materials brought into the place of work
~ Seek professional advice where needed to adopt further practices that result in less waste pollution or damage
This policy is promoted throughout our company and will be reflected in all business decisions wherever possible.
~ Customer focus;
~ Respect for people;
~ Open communication;
~ Working to deliver best value;
~ Openness and transparency
~ Equality
~ Probity
~ Development of positive working relationships with others;
~ Commitment to the highest ethical standards of the private service;
~ Valuing and harnessing the diversity of our staff.
We will record and resolve customer complaints in accordance with our standards of service.
~ Do not restrict lawful access or enjoyment of the environment or society by others
~ Promote sustainable improvements (where we have an influence) in the environment and enhance the society within which we work
~ All printer cartridges, toners, etc, to be returned to the supplier in the envelopes provided for recycling
~ Print on environmentally sustainable paper stocks
~ Support and encourage the use of recycling banks for bottles, cans and other waste materials brought into the place of work
~ Seek professional advice where needed to adopt further practices that result in less waste pollution or damage